OK heres the deal the fact taht you have to have the gear to make another peice look like it is a horrible idea. This is just my opinion. The issue becomes items that are not available anymore in game that people had but got rid of due to space issues. Or even class specific items or sets. Personally im not a big fan of most of the druid sets. I would love to use a rogue set look, and it is leather, but class specific.
The other bigger issue is what about DKs, they can only go back to Wrath for set items that they can change the look to. While every other class has 15 sets to choose from. So does this leave Dks out of options? Personally the DK sets looks are not all that. Heres my though if its plate it does not matter the class thats a plate wearer you can change to it and so on.
Just my 2 coppers.