Hi all, this thread is being locked.
We respectfully ask that you refrain from name calling or any other sort of behavior that may draw the ire of your fellow posters and keep it constructive. Please feel free to recreate this thread for future use, but remember to keep it constructive. Thank you for your understanding. |
Hi all,
This thread is being locked as it really doesn't lend itself to constructive conversation. We respectfully ask that you refrain from name calling or any other sort of behavior that may draw the ire of your fellow posters. If you wish to recreate the topic in such a way that encourages civil discussion regarding the character boosts and professions, by all means do so. |
Hi all, This thread is being locked as it really doesn't lend itself to constructive conversation.
We respectfully ask that you refrain from any sort of behavior that may draw the ire of your fellow posters. If you wish to recreate the topic in such a way that encourages civil discussion regarding these issues, by all means do so. |
Folks, please be mindful of the date on a thread and do not resurrect/bump it if it is fairly old. As you can imagine, I'm locking the thread now.
If you wish provide feedback on a topic or participate in a discussion create your own or find one that is recent. Thanks, guys/gals. |
Hi all, this thread is being locked as it really doesn't lend itself to constructive conversation.
We respectfully ask that you refrain from name calling or any other sort of behavior that may draw the ire of your fellow posters. Thank you for your understanding. If you wish to recreate the topic in such a way that encourages civil discussion by all means do so. |
Hi all, this thread is being locked as it really doesn't lend itself to constructive conversation.
We respectfully ask that you refrain from including political or religious references or any other sort of behavior that may draw the ire of your fellow posters. It's important for us to provide a civil and friendly environment on the forums. Thanks, guys. |
Hi all, thread is being locked as it really doesn't lend itself to constructive conversation.
We respectfully ask that you refrain from name calling or any other sort of behavior that may draw the ire of your fellow posters. Thank you for your understanding. |
"Hi all, this thread is being locked as it really doesn't lend itself to constructive conversation.
We respectfully ask that you refrain from name calling or any other sort of behavior that may draw the ire of your fellow posters. Thank you for your understanding. |
Hey guys, locking the thread.
From the Forum Guidelines: Petition posts are frowned upon. These are discussion forums and, as such, we ask that you hold discussions. Creating a thread to ask for replies as votes is not a discussion. Threads violating this guideline are subject to deletion. If you want to review the guidelines, you may do so here: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/900930866 Take care |
Hi all, thread is being locked as it really doesn't lend itself to constructive conversation. We respectfully ask that you refrain from name calling or any other sort of behavior that may draw the ire of your fellow posters.
Thank you for your understanding. As a reminder, here are the guidelines for posting in these forums: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/900930866 |
Folks, please be mindful of the date on a thread and do not resurrect/bump it if it is fairly old. If you wish provide feedback on a topic or participate in a discussion create your own or find one that is recent. This thread will now be locked.
Thanks! |