The battle against the Legion has left the world broken—but the shattered trust between the Alliance and the Horde could prove the hardest wound to mend. Answer the call to arms and help forge the future of Azeroth by taking part in our World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth beta key giveaway! Simply complete the official entry form below by Saturday, June 2 for your chance to win one of 4,000 keys granting access to the Battle for Azeroth beta test. For more information on how to participate, check out the giveaway rules. Once your entry is correctly submitted, you will be automatically redirected to the Battle for Azeroth website. Battle for Azeroth Beta Key Giveaway |
The Battle for Azeroth Beta has begun! Join us live on Thursday, April 26, at 20:00 CEST, as we sit down with Game Director Ion Hazzikostas for our next live developer Q&A where he’ll be answering your World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth Beta questions.
You can submit your questions here in this thread or on Twitter by using the hashtag #WarcraftQA. As a reminder, please keep your questions short (40 words or less) so that we can get to as many questions as possible. We look forward to you joining us live on Thursday! |
I manage an online community. Not the English one, but still!
Updated 20/08:
As many of you have already noticed - this hotfix has been pushed live. Thanks for all of your feedback, and please let us know if you encounter any issues! |
Updated 20/08:
As many of you have already noticed - this hotfix has been pushed live. Thanks for all of your feedback, and please let us know if you encounter any issues! —————————— During the past few days, we were able to investigate and identify that there were a few issues with the way XP rewards were being handed out during the Demon Invasions. We’re working on a hotfix that will correct the following issues:
Once these fixes are live, please let us know how things feel. Again, our intention is for Demon Invasions to feel lucrative as long as players are actively participating in the event, and we believe that, once the correct amount of XP is being rewarded for killing creatures, that will once again be the case. |
We are continuing our weekly series of Live Developer Q&As, taking place every Thursday at 8:00pm CEST. You can tune in live at
You can submit your questions via Twitter using the hashtag #LegionQA, or simply by replying to this forum thread. For this next session, we'll be talking with Lead Quest Designer Craig Amai regarding Artifacts and Class Order Halls in Legion! We will only be considering questions related to the topic of Artifacts and Class Order Halls, and only questions submitted following this week's Q&A. As a reminder, we would like to keep the questions short so we can make sure we get to as many questions as possible, so please keep your questions to 40 words or less. |
This past weekend at the Road to BlizzCon 2015 European Regional Finals in Prague, two players from two different Arena teams were disqualified on the day of the tournament. This resulted in a less-than-ideal experience for everyone involved, especially the other teams in attendance.
In both cases, the disqualified players were found to have been violating the Terms of Service of World of Warcraft. According to our Tournament Rules, players’ accounts must remain in good standing for the entirety of the 2015 WoW Arena World Championship. As these players’ accounts had been suspended, they were no longer in good standing, and thus disqualified from the tournament. We have performed a thorough investigation of the accounts in question, and have found overwhelming evidence indicating that both players were indeed participating in activities that rightfully resulted in their accounts being suspended. Blizzard does not publicly share details of actions taken against specific accounts, but offenses that typically result in suspension include: exploiting game mechanics, buying or selling accounts, playing another person’s account for advantage (boosting), and/or collusion with opponents. In both cases, we should have taken action much sooner, and regret that these players were not informed of their disqualified status prior to the event. We are working to improve our processes to prevent situations like this from happening again, and ensure that ineligible players are properly disqualified before tournament play commences. |
Welcome to the team! :)
We've been seeing some confusion about how Strongboxes are awarded in Random Battlegrounds, so we wanted to take a moment to clarify.
In point-based Battlegrounds (Arathi Basin, Eye of the Storm, Battle for Gilneas, Temple of Kotmogu, Silvershard Mines, and Deepwind Gorge), Strongboxes are awarded based on how many points the losing team was able to earn before the match ended. Earning 500 points will award a Bronze Strongbox, and earning 1000 points will award a Silver Strongbox. In capture the flag Battlegrounds (Warsong Gulch and Twin Peaks), Strongboxes are awarded based on how many times the losing team was able to capture the flag. One capture will award a Bronze Strongbox, and 2 captures will award a Silver Strongbox. In Alterac Valley and Isle of Conquest, Strongboxes are awarded to the losing team based on how many reinforcements the winning team had remaining when the match ended. If the winning team had 300 or fewer reinforcements left, the losing team will be awarded a Bronze Strongbox. If the winning team had 100 or fewer reinforcements left, the losing team will be awarded a Silver Strongbox. In Strand of the Ancients, Strongboxes are awarded to the losing team based on how far they were able to progress before their turn ended. Destroying either the blue or green gate will award a Bronze Strongbox. Destroying the yellow gate will award a Silver Strongbox. Of course, winning any Battleground will award a Gold Strongbox. In addition, Strongboxes are awarded to every player on the team that earned them, as long as they are still in the game when the match ends. The goal of this system is to ensure that, even if you think your team is likely to lose, it's still worth your while to put up as much of a fight as possible and stay through to the end of the match. |
We have a couple hotfixes in the works intended to improve the player experience in Ashran, and wanted to bring them to your attention.
First, we've reduced the maximum number of players per side to 40. We've also increased the number of available Ashran instances, to compensate for having fewer spaces in each Ashran. Since Ashran was changed in Patch 6.2 to automatically place players in a raid group upon entering, we feel that having 40 players on each side makes more sense, instead of splitting players into two separate raid groups. This hotfix went live on Wednesday. The second hotfix is intended to limit situations where one faction is unable to win events for extended periods of time, by increasing their damage and healing. Once this hotfix is in effect, a bonus will be granted to the faction that has been losing the most events in a particular Ashran instance. For example, when the Alliance are winning more events, the Horde will have the bonus, and vice versa. The bonus is decreased or increased in increments of 5% for every event that faction wins or loses, up to a possible maximum of 50% increased damage and healing in extreme cases. In other words, every time your faction loses an event, it will be 5% easier for you to win the next one. If your faction currently has the damage and healing buff, it will go up by another 5%. If the opposing faction has the buff, then it will go down by 5%. Please note that, due to the nature of this hotfix, there is no visible buff on the player that shows you what benefit you're currently receiving. We may be able to add a visible buff in the future, but that would require a patch, and we didn't want to delay getting this hotfix out. It will go live the next time realms are restarted. |
Hello everyone and thank you for your feedback so far.
We have indeed realized that the chance to earn a Bloody Coin from the ![]() We will keep monitoring your feedback, and continue to make adjustments as necessary. |
Well met Alarinth! Congratulations! :)
Yesterday, we announced the Azeroth Choppers head-to-head match-up between the Horde and Alliance, and we’re very excited to share the upcoming episodes and final bike creations with you. We saw a few questions following the announcement and wanted to take a moment to clarify things.
First, we want to make it clear that players globally will be able to vote for their favorite faction bike—either Alliance or Horde. Second, the bike that receives the most votes will then be made into a faction-specific-only mount and be available FREE to all players (usable when playing characters of the winning faction, of course). Your vote will be very important and could just be the one that lands your favorite faction a shiny new mount. If you haven’t watched the trailer yet, check it out here and stay tuned to for more details! |