Other threads on this:
Sofar ive started breaking down the original array into its 10 categories and I was then going to search each one of those arrays until I found the ID i was looking for, but i feel as if there must be an easier way.
ex of what I have sofar:
$allAchieves = file_get_contents('http://us.battle.net/api/wow/data/character/achievements');
$allAchieves = json_decode($allAchieves, true);
$generalAchieves = $allAchieves[achievements][0][achievements];
$quests = $allAchieves[achievements][1][categories];
$explorationAchieves = $allAchieves[achievements][2][categories];
$pvp = $allAchieves[achievements][3][categories];
$dungeonAndRaids = $allAchieves[achievements][4][categories];
$professions = $allAchieves[achievements][5][categories];
$reputation = $allAchieves[achievements][6][categories];
$scenarios = $allAchieves[achievements][7][categories];
$worldEvents = $allAchieves[achievements][8][categories];
$petbattle = $allAchieves[achievements][9][categories];
$featsOfStrength = $allAchieves[achievements][10][categories];
As always, thanks for any help / guidance / or input!