I just had an issue like that.
I was clearly looking for TRANSMUTE MASTER, and I agreed on 13 TRANSMUTATIONS. However, some game master, named Xyresyk, told me smth like " Hey, u didnt say u want to get procs before trade, so u will not get em!". Why the hell would I be looking for a TRANSMUTE MASTER if I wouldnt want the [argh] procs???!!! This is just [non-understandable] way of Blizzard thinking.
I do understand when a player asks for a tranmute from alchemist, alchemist procs, and then player wants to get the procs. But when a player is looking for a transmute master ITS OBVIOUS he wants to get as much as possible from his mats, he knows about the procs that will come from transmute master, and he wants to get the procs. However Blizzard do not understand it, or consider it still as a BONUS. It does not matter I was looking for spec that procs.
Just n/c on this, Ill let that noob that scammed me eat all those gems, and I hope they will stop in his throut. I got rlly mad about this, one of the most stupid, unexplained policy from Blizzard that is NOT stated anywhere. So, transmute MASTERS! Feel free to scam as much as u want, u got approval from Blizzard on this one, hurrah!!!!!! I just lost 18 inferno rubies. Yey.