I keep seeing people saying "stop complaining" and I don't think they actually understand how important feedback is. Good, or bad, feedback is how a game evolves.
If 1 person dislikes something the BEST thing they can do to get it changed, fixed, or altered is post on the official forums. The current great example of that was JP gear, Item level, and rep requirements. A single person complained, and then a bunch of others complained - and blizzard saw how unhappy their player base was. This was quickly fixed.
THIS is how players get things changed. Outrage from the gaming public is how the gaming public gets things done. Good arguments against said systems tell the developers why players dislike, and some even give possible solutions, but even just "I don't like this" and hundreds of other people saying the same thing will eventually spark conversations as to the reasoning behind it and give both players, and developers something to think about.
Complaints, this is how the world is changed for the better - both in game and irl. Positive feedback is somewhat useful, but negative feedback is how we fix what's broken. If there is no feedback, how is one to know there's an issue?
Arguments, discussions, disagreements, these are all great things for the future of our time sink of choice. So when you see someone post a negative post on a function in the game - rather than just saying qq more, or something to that effect - Point out WHY they are wrong. Focus on the reasoning behind why you dislike his ideas. This will only serve to make the conversation richer to all who may read it.