There were exactly TWO humans in the last bg I was just in. Me and a paladin.
The reason I know this is because the entire teams ran around in a giant group. It's not like a bunch of different classes from different realms were all multiboxing.. so..
I have a few pictures to show the alliance side.
This is where they sat for about 7 minutes, as you can see there's only 3:14 left.
I moved a little closer to show that once in a certain range it AUTOMATICALLY picks up on me and they all start to rush at the same time. Give or take the delay lag from latency.
I then looped around to the other side to see how many of my fellow players were human, but I also took a look over to the alliance to see what they were doing. Just standing from where I had ran in the beginning.
I am not bashing alliance in any way, the horde were doing it too. I do not have screenshots of this because they were constantly attacking demos that kept respawning EVEN THOUGH there was not a single alliance to come over there an grab it. They would sit on the middle of the dock in between demos and just wait for one to spawn.
How is a player supposed to report a player for botting if there aren't any actual players in the battleground to even report?
This is slowly turning into Diablo 2.