Round 1
Winner: Wootandsauce
1. What ability breaks roots for monks?
2. How many CCs & stuns does a warrior have?
3. What three class abilities allows the caster to permanently be removed from combat? (Meaning they won't return to combat after unless hit or deals damage)
4. Name a CC which doesn't DR with any other CC
5. What does DR stand for and what does it mean?
6. What two class abilities can remove all but one CC?
7. What spell "clones" the caster?
8. What ability causes the target to be immune to physical attacks and abilities?
9. What ability teleports the caster to a pre-set location instantly?
10. Name a class which is capable of CC, disarm, silence, interrupt, slowing and rooting
Round 2
Winner: Aunera
1. When well timed, Priests can preemptively break cc targeted at them self such as poly, blind, repentance, scatter etc. Name the class specific ability to do that and explain the mechanic (spectral guise not considered ).
2. In certain circumstances, Paladins can work the same mechanic with cc directed to them. Explain how do they it (shield and BoP not considered).
3. Name the non-magic Druid root.
4. In a 1v1, which instant ability causes you to lose your target and makes you target something else?
5. Name all classes that can offensively dispell and their ability to do (can be glyphed).
6. Name all cc's that Warriors can brake with beserker rage.
7. Which enhancement Shaman's spell comes closest to a feral's predatory swiftness and how does it work.
8. Name all Death Knight CC breakers and describe which mechanic can prevent some of them from being used.
9. How many times can a Rogue vanish?
10. Name two Monk abilities that direct damage back to their attackers.
Round 3
Winner: Angerstrike
1. How many specs are there in the game (nice and easy!)
2. When a character goes red in colour, what does it mean?
3. At what percentage can Touch of Death be used on players?
4. There are two abilities which cause spells to be redirected towards the caster or item. What are these two spells?
5. There are two abilities which cause the player to miss/deflect all attacks for a period of time. What are these?
6. What three abilities can cause the user to become immune to magic debuffs for a period of time only? (Careful here)
7. Blink, Disengage, Thunder storm, What do all these abilities have in common?
8. What ability increases damage of some abilities by 30% and has an 18 second duration?
9. Name a class is able to become immune to all silence and interrupt effects for a set amount of time? (Careful here)
10. Name ALL the classes which are capable of complete immunity.
Round 4
Winner: ???
1. How many pushback spells are there in game (all ranges, talents, glyphs and pets included)? Name them.
2. How many Horror effects are there in game?
3. How many spells got a dispel protection (Does something to the dispeller)?
4. How many spells/abilities are capable of stunning, and stunning only (may also damage), including glyphed/talented spells/abilities? (talents/glyphs that modifies existing stuns does not count extra, such as Warbringer or Fist of Justice)
5. Which spells/abilities can summon extra pets beyond their permanent pet?
6. How many different pets does warlocks have, both temporary and permanent (Grimoire of Supremacy pets doesn't count).
7. What is the most common execute percent(%)?
8. Which spells/abilities can be used to break stuns before the duration ends (immunities, HoP included here, and PvP trinkets doesn't count)?
9. How many spells/abilities/items does a warlock have to regenerate health?
10. How many melee classes can deal magical damage?
Answer the most recent round in comments, but feel free to continue doing the previous questions. If you get them all right then choose 10 more questions for someone to do.