I have traveled with Salandria for three years now, never failing to visit my little orphan friend. She considers me an older sister, and I treasure the bond we've developed.
I can say, I was a rather reckless blood elf in my younger days, all night partying, trolling it up in trade chat, sleeping around in the upper levels of Silvermoon Inn...
We all have to grow up sooner or later. Back then, I was a vagrant, I'd move from guild to guild, and never have a steady income or home. Now, as an officer in a good guild, and a long term plan for my goals in game, I think I'm finally ready to be a parent. I know, I am a single woman and that financially taking on a child is a burden, but I have a steady income from raiding and am very resourceful on the sides with professional skills I've learned and odd jobs I can do around the world.
>deep breath<
I'm ready. Where can I take the steps to actually be a mommy and adopt little Salandria past Children's Week?