Nearly 1,000,000 subsctiptions were lost in just 6 months of WOW this recent quarter. Some of this falls on the US economy being total crap but there is still a problem with the game. This thread is to voice your opinion on problems and pose suggestions to solutions- if you dont have a solution don't waste your time responding to this post.
Preface I'm 2700 in arenas, been around since 2004 launch and played beta etc. Ive seen T1-11 content fully and hope to continue to see more.
So I will post some problems I see personally, and each subsequent poster can do the same.
1) Random Heroics - Fail. I have never seen such fail ever in the history of WOW. The gameplay mechanics of bosses are not PUG friendly, and have an enormous failure rate. Don't even talk about Zandalar heroics - they are even worse. Most of your playerbase is casual Blizzard - if you make hardcore casual content you will loose subs - 1 million lost subs in 6 months proves my point. Combine the high failure rate with 45 minute que times and you have a recipe for frustration and unsubscribing- figure it out dudes.
2) PVP Balance - I have never seen a more crazy arena season! Random classes and random comps are destroying others- if a feral druid is on the enemy team its literally an auto loss. I'm not sure who is in charge there but I have my money on the fact that they play a feral druid. And last season, the same person played a warrior.
I was promised an environment that rivaled BC in terms if healing triage, yet the entire season is a pathetic failure compared to S2-4 of arena season. I've literally seen games that last less than 30 seconds in season 10 because damage is out of control. Triage made sense when the biggest crits were 10k and the average big heal was 20k, but now full heals are 110k and big crits are 40k. This feels exactly like WOLK, and its complete crap. The PVP community is just loosing interest. Just look at arena junkies - nobody even cares anymore, PVP is just about exploiting the right comp, right class, at the right times - how is that skill? Arenas aren't skill they are based exclusively on game balance and that is a crap setup.
3) Professions - man this is a huge one. 3 weeks ago I crafted an elementium deathblade for my DK, because it listed as 3.8 speed in tooltip and in game. It was hotfix nerfed to 3.5 speed or was always 3.5 IDK but it was a waste of 10k gold. Things like this are really !@#$ing shabby for a game that generates millions of dolllars a month revenue. This is just straight up garbage Blizzard - Ban me if you feel justified but I'm telling you this is BS and nobody should stand for it. The money you make, should provide a better game all around.
Activision has turned Blizzard into a money grubbing crap company that is pumping out incomplete content at an alarming rate. You may be king of the jungle for now, but if this trend continues you will soon be middle of the pack and some other juggernaut will defeat you with innovation and cleverness.
If this company continues to sell out to crap, it will loose its crown and fall back into the middle of the pack with all the other gaming companies out there that suck. I highly recommend a change of staff and a super duper in depth analysis of game balance and arena balance before the next content crap patch gets fed to us- otherwise your looking at another 300-500k subs lost in Q4.
Figure it out Blizzard.
If you have any suggestions to help bring this franchise back to life please post it here.
Here are my ideas:
1) Balance PVP, nerf healing, nerf damage FFS
2) Make heroics a joke
3) Make non hard mode raids puggable like ICC