I am so sick of hearing this. There are, what seems like, hundreds of threads these past few weeks complaining about ganking being out of control. These posters make valid points, the response they get 90% of the time? "Roll on a PvE server, baddie."
I really want these morons to understand that a lot of the people complaining about the ganking situation do in fact like PvP, myself included. I like world PvP, BG's, and Arena, however, to me, world PvP is not about one-shotting players 50+ levels lower than yourself. To me, PvP is taking on someone in your level bracket and facing a real challenge.
Being level 20 and being camped by a level 90 is not what a PvP server is for, so telling someone to roll on a PvE server is the stupidest comment one can come up with. Only an inconsiderate, self-loathing moron would think that a PvP server is meant for such a purpose.
Here's an idea. Put up or shut up. If you really need to camp the Dark Portal, or camp low level quest givers to get your jolly's, maybe it is YOU that needs to get off the PvP server because you clearly have ZERO concept of what PvP is supposed to be. If you are so bloody wonderful, get into an Arena team and own!
If you comment saying "Shouldn't be on a PvP server" after reading this, consider your point invalid as I have completely made it clear that saying such a thing warrants no kind of validity and it is nothing more than a moronic comment made by moronic people whose lives are so pathetic that they spend their time attempting to justify their inexcusable, despicable behavior.