When they are not doing Blue stuff?
With the newest Blue CM Ythisens is it an even playing field now? Looked like the Green team was giving Ornyx a hard time.
I just got this completed last night. What does Part two involve?
How do I remove the Pug that keeps running around in my garrison?
per MMO feb 4, 2015 http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/
Patch 6.1 PTR - Build 19579 Build 19579 will be deployed to the PTR realms soon. This build added an achievement for the Cindermane Charger, a Recruit-A-Friend mount. Hogs is a reward of Victory in Hillsbrad. per wow head http://www.wowhead.com/guide=2750/wows-10th-anniversary-november-21-january-13 There are no additional rewards from this battleground besides the titles. So your adding the pet now? If i had known that I would have done the Tarren Mill vs Southshore event. Am I missing something? |