I have three points to make.
1. LL Pvp. Low Level PvP has been literally unchecked. I have been playing since patch 4.0 (I know, i'm n00by) and since then I have not seen a single change. Rogues are still facerolling.
2. Couldn't think of a name for this one (:D). I see most High Level players with awesome titles. Low Level players don't get flashy titles or anything. As a n00b like me, it would be pretty cool to see Deathwing and get killed, but, I can't, because I'm too low lvl.
3. Extra features. I really wish I could try arenas. It would be pretty cool, but no. You actually have to be lvl 70- Dear god am I saying this? Okay. I can try arenas when I am lvl 70, but still. I'm not one of those people who has all the time in the world to play WoW. I play it like any other game.
There. I just updated this because I didn't say it the right way.