Really, why people say TBC was the best expansion?
Unless you where a Warrior i dont see the reason for it.
For me it was the worst expansion ever.
Did people forgot those attunements? did people forgot about the dead specs?
You want to do a heroic dungeon? do you have cc? sorry cant invite you.
Oh a protection paladin! Sorry only warriors can tank.
Unless you where on a raiding guild or enjoyed arenas, there was no content for you exept doing heroic's untill the end of the expansion.
I used to be a mage during Vanilla, and reroled Paladin the moment TBC opened, worst mistake of my life.... i spended the entire expansion just spaming flash of light on tank, using 4 diferent ranks of holy light, and rebuffing blessings every 15m.
Want to go retribution? lolret.
Pvp with ret? lolret and no resilience for you, hell we dont even had a proper set for ret.
I remember people asking vanilla server's back in the day, and now many people says TBC was great.
I am having a blast right now, i can play any spec and class i want without people bashing me, i can see content without having to sacrifice my life.
the only good thing's i can see from TbC was the raids, they where some of the best, and the sence of community, everyone knew each other ( specialy if you where a healer or tank).
Other than that i cant see why people praized TBc so much, its all about nostalgya i guess.
sorry my English.