wikass zabił Mythrax the Unraveler (Normal Uldir) po raz 2.     
kuturin zdobył 7th Legionnaire's Cuffs.     


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[us] Afraid the next expac will be...underwhelming

Gimolos Community 10 lat temu

[us] Dear Blizz, boot Birchus

Silverhawks Community 10 lat temu

[us] Goodbye Bashiok.

Dumprings Community 10 lat temu

[us] Dear Zarhym,

Quentiam Community 10 lat temu

[us] What... what is this? What?

Trivenom Community 10 lat temu

[us] hi

Haunter Community 10 lat temu

[us] Blizzard Dev Leaks Expansion

Quentiam Community 10 lat temu

[us] holinka does not make all decisions

Flìp Community 10 lat temu

[us] Ahhh that is what the polls were for.

Chosenmourne Community 10 lat temu

[us] Do you wear a shirt?

Jamieboi Community 10 lat temu

[us] My confession

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[us] Asperger syndrome

Blakebone Community 10 lat temu

[us] Flying patch delay

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[us] Wows anniversary this year

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[us] Found Yrel in Main Universe Azeroth

Phelios Community 10 lat temu

[us] so, did anybody win?

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[us] Ellen Pao steps down from reddit.

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[us] Blizzard at Comic-Con

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[us] Movie trailer comming this week-end?

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[us] New battle pets

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