It’s time to get this party started! The free Prologue mission and The Parlor, the first wing of Hearthstone’s newest Adventure: One Night in Karazhan, are now LIVE!
Note: In order to access One Night in Karazhan once it goes live in your region, please restart your Hearthstone client.
The magus Medivh is hosting the party of the millennium in the magical, magnificent tower of Karazhan. A shindig sure to go down in legend has just begun, but before you dance the night away with Azeroth’s most glamorous people, you’ll first meet up with Medivh in the free Prologue mission. Better yet, you’ll pick up two copies each of Enchanted Raven and Firelands Portal just for stopping by.
Stick around for the party proper and boogie through all four wings of Karazhan: The Parlor, The Opera, The Menagerie, and The Spire. Get on up the whole tower, and then get down with all nine Class challenges, and you’ll pick up 43 more dazzling new cards as party favors!
If you purchase the whole Adventure in the first week, you’ll also add the sparkling* new Karazhan Nights cardback to your collection.
Learn more about what you have to look forward to in One Night in Karazhan! Then revel in ALL of the One Night in Karazhan cards on the official Hearthstone Facebook gallery!
*Literally sparkling! There’s a disco ball and everything!