As the title say, what was your stupidest death? Mine is when I was trying to link a mount into chat and accidentally dismounted myself and fell to my death..
One of the more memorable regrettable deaths I've had was during "The Battle For The Undercity" quest, Horde side. It was a quest to launch an attack alongside Thrall and Sylvanas to retake the city; the premise was epic and I was itching to fight alongside such iconic heroes of the Horde. I was a priest at the time and ran ahead of Thrall and Sylvanas who were still busy securing the Lorderon ruins area. Looked down and saw the elevators leading down were out of order. Priests don't need to wait, we have levitate! Or so I thought.
Hopped down, cast levitate, started to panic when my fall didn't slow, cast it again several more times while the elevator shaft was scrolling by all too quickly, wondering where it all went so wrong, why levitate wasn't working, oh look sharp pointy things, and SPLAT. As I viewed the world in black and white from my broken body at the bottom I heard Sylvanas announce, "The shaft is trapped, Warchief. A fall would mean certain death." Then Thrall called out "Great air spirit, hear my call once more! The spirits of air have heard my call. Cyclones will lower us to safety. Now we jump!" Oh...that explains much. And that's that last time I tried to one up Thrall and/or Sylvanas. |