With the digital version of World of Warcraft: Legion currently available for pre-purchase, we know many of you are interested in getting your level-100 character boost now and early access to the new Demon Hunter before launch. We also know many of you are planning to get the Collector’s Edition of Legion once it’s in stores, but would still like to get in on the action with your boost sooner rather than later.
To help you do both, we’ve set up a process similar to the one for Warlords of Draenor to receive a replacement Legion game key once you upgrade to the Collector’s Edition. Just follow these steps: 1. Pre-purchase a digital version of Legion now and begin using the included character boost immediately. 2. Pick up your Collector’s Edition pre-order once Legion releases. 3. Enter your Collector’s Edition key on your Battle.net Account Management page. 4. Contact Blizzard Customer Support for a replacement of your original Standard or Digital Deluxe Edition Key. 5. Give the shiny new digital key to a friend! We’ll provide more information, including additional details on what’s inside the Collector’s Edition, in the near future. |