The class design overviews are nice. It's great to be reading where Blizzard's mindset is and to see what the team is focused on.
While the team is working on class fantasy I would also ask that they consider what makes the specs unique from each other and reconsider additional roles.
The mage overview today left me bewildered. The specs are largely where they should be fantasy wise but overall they're still just 3 different ways to shoot 3 different balls of magic.
Is there nothing else in the Warcraft Universe that follows a class fantasy but still offers variety to someone who plays a mage? Are there not Battlemages in Warcraft? Doesn't Chromie heal wounds using time magic during the Legendary questline?
Will the Outlaw really be a spec that feels like a new playstyle for rogues? Or will it be stabbing things in a different fashion?
I'm writing this because when I heard that Survival Hunters were being made melee in an effort to make them stand out from the other specs I honestly thought the rest of the classes would be given a hard look too.
For me personally the pure dps classes are a huge turn off because their specializations don't feel very special. They're performing the exact same function with a handful of different buttons. That's boring.
Maybe next expansion during the next round of class fantasy/tuning/pruning/tweaks the focus can be variety.
While the team is working on class fantasy I would also ask that they consider what makes the specs unique from each other and reconsider additional roles.
The mage overview today left me bewildered. The specs are largely where they should be fantasy wise but overall they're still just 3 different ways to shoot 3 different balls of magic.
Is there nothing else in the Warcraft Universe that follows a class fantasy but still offers variety to someone who plays a mage? Are there not Battlemages in Warcraft? Doesn't Chromie heal wounds using time magic during the Legendary questline?
Will the Outlaw really be a spec that feels like a new playstyle for rogues? Or will it be stabbing things in a different fashion?
I'm writing this because when I heard that Survival Hunters were being made melee in an effort to make them stand out from the other specs I honestly thought the rest of the classes would be given a hard look too.
For me personally the pure dps classes are a huge turn off because their specializations don't feel very special. They're performing the exact same function with a handful of different buttons. That's boring.
Maybe next expansion during the next round of class fantasy/tuning/pruning/tweaks the focus can be variety.