Seriously I watched that developer interview.. on sunday and they tried to suggest that the german fans were really excited. I saw the live stream of the Legion reveal. There is no doubt that the gamescom crowd reacted as if they had just seen grass grow. There was no earth stattering roar. There was no Insanely loud reaction that required the developers to wait for the crowd to die down. Nope it was a tepid hmm I have to consider this. It was a we need more factual information to really get excited. And that is the general feeling from wow vets. Blizzard has a lot more to do before folks really get excited about Legion.
Something interesting that I've noticed while at events is that video sometimes doesn't capture the vibe or how loud things really are. An example is BlizzCon. I've seen comments like "why is the crowd so quiet" when in fact it's incredibly loud actually at the event. Also keep in mind that not everyone there is a native English speaker (gamescom draws people from all over the world). A lot of people were most likely trying to take in the information and were reading the translated bits on the sides etc. And lastly... different culture = different means of expressing themselves. Don't judge by American standards. |
Yawning for people who have been at a large convention all day (remember it was much later in their day than ours) and waiting in large crowds to see a presentation (I think one man said he waited 6 hours) is a sign of being tired (generally speaking). Nothing more. I'm sure we've all yawned even in the midst of having fun. It's a physical response, not a cultural one. You don't have to cheer and be loud to be excited for something. |
Don't make me give you "the look". I will do it... |
It's like you read what I said, extracted only what you wanted to rebuke, then filtered everything else out. I feel like a Blizzard CM now. Ha! You have no idea. ;) What about the bored faces of the sweaty nerds? Even half the front row was snoozing. I already answered that to some extent. It was a long day at gamescom for them and what you may interpret as "boredom" may not be so. Unless you're in their heads, I don't think you can define their state of mind or even physical or psychological exhaustion. I think overall, people are reading way more into the crowd than they should be. How you personally feel about the expansion announcement shouldn't need to be reinforced by a crowd of strangers at a convention. Either you like what you saw and are personally excited, or you're apprehensive, or you just don't care. That's all an individual choice you get to make based on your own thoughts and experiences. I often think of the Monty Python scene where the character tells everyone they are all individuals and they parrot back, "yes, we're all individuals." Ultimately, your enjoyment and excitement of the game comes down to you and your own personal choices. |
We can't always get what we want. ;P |