Hey.. I mean if you guys are listening.. thats great!.. but how about actions?
but it's mostly just listening without action
Actions are constantly being taken. What's frustrating for some individuals is they're not seeing the action in a time-frame they'd prefer which is often unrealistic. Gathering feedback and making adjustments to the game based on it takes time. And if we can pull away from this very moment, and from what's "hot" in the minds of many, and take a look back with from a wider perspective, you'll see numerous changes that have come directly from player feedback. Above all else, it is valued and appreciated.
All complainers who complain about complainers complaining are subject to complaints.
This is actually not that far from the truth which leads into...
06/18/2015 10:08 AMPosted by
Virtues I wish you guys would take steps toward making these forums (and the game) a less hostile environment.
Spirited debate can often times appear hostile to one or more persons involved. I was a moderator of these forums for years and saw every type of report one can imagine. More often than not, it was because someone wouldn't change their opinion to match the reporter's and thus was considered a troll or worse. This isn't to make light of what you said, of course, just an example of what I've seen. It's a matter of stepping back and remembering what you're discussing. Obvious violations such as language or racism should be reported using the tools in place. However, if it's a topic such as flying where varying passions are colliding, just take a step back and remember it's all based upon a passion for the same thing: playing World of Warcraft.