@WarcraftDevs Is he 10-token-per-30-days limit actual 30 days from the first purchase or is it reset monthly? It's a limit of 10 tokens in a 30-day period. Details here: |
@WarcraftDevs will the Inn dungeon quest items work in Mythic dungeons? Will 6.2 have additional Inn quests? Objectives for quests received from the Inn/Tavern can be completed in Mythic dungeons. No plans to add additional quests in 6.2. |
@WarcraftDevs @nite_moogle On PTR, gears with spirit are in caster dps' loot table. Bug or intended? there is a known issue with item specializations in this build, mostly affecting jewelry |
@holinka @WarcraftDevs any answers about why [Forsaken Brains] doesnt drop? P.s not the time to to make one of those sarcastic comments This is fixed in Patch 6.2. |
@WarcraftDevs can u change the poisons comming off weapons everytime you swap specc from sub to assas,its annoying to need addon to remind u It should no longer be cancelled in Patch 6.2 and you can try testing it on the PTR. |
| can now buy ilvl 675 gear with gold? Conveniently after you can purchase gold with real money? @WarcraftDevs come on... The high pricing is deliberate to discourage their purchase in favor of crafted items or raid BoEs. |
@WarcraftDevs Why does [Serrated Void Crystal] do so little damage? Is it intended? This is a bug that has been fixed and should be reflected in a future Patch 6.2 PTR build. |
@WarcraftDevs Any plans on making the epic version of leggy capes available to all chars on an account whose one har has done the quest? We have no plans to do this. |
@WarcraftDevs @Arvaanas Will we be able to test the legendary rings on the PTR? There are a few unclear mechanic interactions to test. We don't currently plan to put the legendary rings on the PTR. |
@WarcraftDevs Why are Lunkers unique 5? It's annoying having to go back every 5 lunkers. The unique 5 restriction will be lifted in 6.2. |
@WarcraftDevs Do I need JC as an equipped prof to access the Arakkoa questline in tanaan for gems in 6.2? I have the JC garr. building Yes, being trained in Jewelcrafting will be a prerequisite. |
@Celestalon @WarcraftDevs If Mythic Dungeons are harder than LFR (everything is harder than LFR) shouldn't it give better rewards than LFR? Indeed. Mythic dungeons DO award higher item level loot than Hellfire Raid Finder. |
@Celestalon @WarcraftDevs If Mythic Dungeons are harder than LFR (everything is harder than LFR) shouldn't it give better rewards than LFR? Indeed. Mythic dungeons DO award higher item level loot than Hellfire Raid Finder. |
@warcraftdevs When are you going to tune the Pandaria dungeons so we can solo? On that same note, what about the raids? As player power grows naturally with new tiers and expansions, you’ll be able to solo more old content. Same as always. |
@WarcraftDevs Any plans for an Ogre Waygate in Tanaan Jungle? Yes! Look for it in either the next PTR build or the one after. |
@WarcraftDevs Can we expect to see any changes to the legendary quest o make it easier for alts? We have built-in catch-up mechanisms; if one character has completed a step, alts will get bonus drops for that step. |
@WarcraftDevs What happened to the idea that we could mill herbs like we can smelt ore in the interface? Did that not work out? To help we're adding 6 new Mass Milling recipes to Inscription in 6.2. They each mill 20 of a Draenor herb & payout 4x normal. |
@WarcraftDevs hi, will the Ironhoof Destroyer mount still drop (100% drop rate) from blackhand mythic when Patch 6.2 goes live? Yes. We typically wait to reduce end-boss mount drop rates until a new expansion arrives. |
@WarcraftDevs @NNandaba90 @Celestalon Will ilevels in mythic be scaled down like challenge mode dungeons are? No, all your items will work as they would anywhere else. |
Baleful ilvl 650 Tokens have a chance to be upgraded to ilvl 675 gear when used in Patch 6.2 #WoW #Warcraft chance increased by Dwarven Bunker/War Mill? The upgrade rate is not affected by the War Mill/Dwarven Bunker, as they are not quest rewards. |