02/25/2015 02:26 PMPosted by
Pojjo 02/25/2015 02:14 PMPosted by
Zarhym ...
A lot of people would still like to collect Combatant and Gladiator gear. It's decent.
I might be speaking about a vocal minority here but, as much fun as gear grinding is, the reason I grind out pvp gear is to be able to use it in all forms of pvp.
The problem with Ashran, in my opinion at least, is that it has turned into less of a "world pvp hub" and into a honor/conq grinding hub. Groups rarely interact anymore at all. Horde does events, Alliance kills boss. Rinse, Repeat, no actual pvp included.
Its actually the complete OPPOSITE of what makes World PvP amazing. World PvP isnt about being awared with free loot for shooting npcs, thats what LFR is for. World PvP is about two groups fighting without rules, boundries or reason. Its about spontaneous wars breaking out in random places. Ashran is now just PvE content that can occasionally be interupted by the other faction.
We mostly agree with you, though we do feel that it's nice to have some tangible rewards to gain beyond the sweet feeling of besting your foes from the opposing faction. We've changed how the rewards are doled out, the objective being to discourage collusion between teams and see people rumbling more.