If you’ve recently boosted a new level 90 character for Warlords of Draenor, you will start within the blasted lands with a limited number of spells at your disposal. Once you go through the Dark Portal and as you progress through Tanaan Jungle, more spells and abilities will be unlocked. Once you’ve completed Tanaan Jungle, you should have most of your spells and abilities (for level 90) available to you. The remaining will be unlocked shortly after the beginning quests in Frostfire Ridge (for Horde) or Shadowmoon Valley (for Alliance). This system has been designed to help players who have newly boosted to ease into their new character.
If you’re a veteran player and are absolutely sure that you want to skip this progression of spells and abilities, you can either swap specs or queue for an instance. This will unlock the remaining spells and abilities for you. |
No plans that I'm aware of. |