Does anyone know how the starting boss on Normal/Heroic raid lockouts will work when 6.0 drops?
e.g. If you hop into an ongoing raid that is 4/14 completed and kill through 8/14, if you form another raid group later in the week and are the raid leader, will you be starting on Malkorok? Or will it start you fresh on Immerseus since you didn't kill the first 4?
If anyone has any info on this it would be much appreciated.
EDIT: I guess an easier way of asking this is if we will be starting after the Last boss you killed vs. starting at the First boss you haven't killed?
e.g. If you hop into an ongoing raid that is 4/14 completed and kill through 8/14, if you form another raid group later in the week and are the raid leader, will you be starting on Malkorok? Or will it start you fresh on Immerseus since you didn't kill the first 4?
If anyone has any info on this it would be much appreciated.
EDIT: I guess an easier way of asking this is if we will be starting after the Last boss you killed vs. starting at the First boss you haven't killed?