10/14/2014 06:28 PMPosted by
Alaeren 10/14/2014 06:26 PMPosted by
Zarhym If any particular creatures aren't properly squished, be sure to report them by name in the Bug Report forum so we can hotfix these as quickly as possible.
As an aside, Patch 6.0.2 is the biggest change World of Warcraft has ever seen, particularly on the technical side with file structure and coding, as well as on the mechanical side with things like the stat squish, ability pruning, etc. There are bound to be some unforeseen bugs or other issues, which is why we have all hands on deck ready to pounce on these as we find them. With your help and patience we'll get things sorted even faster.
And this wasn't done in the PTR why?
Just get rid of the PTR since you all at Blizzard seem to think that it's better to piss off the players with buggy, nonfunctional patches instead of fine-tuning them first!
You seem to presume that thousands of players were anxious to hop on the PTR and jump into Terrace of Endless Spring LFR, or run countless other pieces of older content in order to find that one mob that hits too hard. Like I said, this is a huge patch and a ton of very core mechanics of the game have been altered in ways that impact every player and NPC in the world. We're bound to have missed a few things and will address them as quickly as we can.
The PTR process is still immensely useful for catching bugs, particularly client-crashing, game-breaking bugs which we prioritize over smaller things. It's not a black-or-white, all-or-nothing situation as you implied with your "get rid of the PTR" comment. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately?), it's more complicated.