Edit: These notes aren't final and will be updated over the course of the 6.0.2 testing process.
The patch notes are not up to date. It still mentions Epicurean at 75% rather than 100. That decisioin was reversed.
Class changes section of the patch notes are out-of-sync at the moment. The decision to reverse the change to Epicurean is still in effect. They'll be updated in the coming days with the latest info.
... Plan C: Hi, I'm a Silver Covenant Hippogryph. Ask me anything and pay no attention to the amount of people running noisily around in the background.
Ask you anything?
Toaster Battle pet, that going to be a thing someday?
im downloading the one that says mists of pandaria ptr, i dont have the WoD beta, but is the mists ptr going to have the new models and new talents and so on, or am i downloading the SoO ptr that was out from wbefore?
PTR: Mists of Pandaria is correct, as the 6.0.2 pre-expansion patch takes place before the Warlords of Draenor expansion.
PTR: Mists of Pandaria is correct, as the 6.0.2 pre-expansion patch takes place before the Warlords of Draenor expansion.
Is there going to be a consolidated list of "Do this by 6.0/expansion launch or you don't get to have the special thing" thread like there usually is pre-expansion? You have the SoO cutting edge and AotC achievement removal, but you don't have the green fire title being inaccessible if you don't do it by the deadline.
Or was that one of the "do it by the time WoD goes live" things like the heirlooms?
There will be a blog along the lines of things like titles, item drops, etc. that'll no longer be obtainable with 6.0.2 and beyond.
Wait, Ryg, patch notes are mentioning the inventory improvements....are we getting that in 6.0?
Short answer is yes. Everything you see in the 6.0.2 PTR patch notes will be going into the pre-expansion patch before Warlords of Draenor. Keep in mind that some of the changes are still in-development (like Valor and Justice Point conversion rates TBD) so there will be more things added.