I have a plea that I would like to have answered by a Blizzard Developer. I would love for healing spheres to stay for Monks in Warlords of Draenor. They are not a clunky mechanic to everyone and I quite like the way they work and I’ve never experienced any troubles using them and I know plenty others haven’t either. They make our class different than any other, it makes us unique and gives us our own appeal. When I first decided to try out a Monk I was mostly messing around, I was quite dedicated to my Death Knight, however I slowly began to become more interested but, oddly enough, while I was attacking the Fe-Feng with Ji Firepaw I saw these green orbs on the ground just floating there and I thought they were quite cool and interesting. I realized that they would heal me when I ran through them and I wondered if that was an ability available to Monks and when I found out that it was, I was quite excited and it swayed me that last bit to become hooked on Monks. They were one of my favorite things and I loved how their mechanic worked and how new and different it was. But this has been in the midst of the Warlords of Draenor and I was quite solemn and disappointed to find out that they were being removed. I realize that we will still have a heal in the form of Surging Mist but it isn’t even slightly the same. It gives us a normal cast heal just like every other class and takes away from our uniqueness. They are invaluable in PvP, but I can understand getting rid of them for Mistweavers and I think Detonate Chi is a slightly better ability anyhow, but for Windwalkers the ability is so useful and so much better than Surging Mists. I implore you, please keep them for those of us Windwalkers who enjoy and use them constantly. Thank you for your time and please respond.
As others have pointed out, Healing Spheres aren't going away completely.
Monk - From: Warlords of Draenor™ Beta Patch Notes Ability Pruning One removal of note is that of Healing Sphere. The active ability to place a Healing Sphere was particularly awkward to use, but overpowered if used perfectly. So we removed it, and replaced it with Healing Surge for Windwalkers and Brewmasters. |