wikass zabił Mythrax the Unraveler (Normal Uldir) po raz 2.     
kuturin zdobył 7th Legionnaire's Cuffs.     
Nikandra spełnił kryterium Loot 200,000 gold osiągnięcia Got My Mind On My Money.     
Tooly zdobył Fairweather Helm.     
Muattin zdobył osiągnięcie The Dirty Five.     
Yoozku zdobył Parrotfeather Cloak.     
Mlody89 zdobył Royal Apothecary Drape.     
Weakness zabił Dazar, The First King (Mythic King's Rest) po raz 6.     
liq spełnił kryterium osiągnięcia Saving for a Rainy Day.     
Osiol spełnił kryterium osiągnięcia Saving for a Rainy Day.     
Wuntu zabił Zek'voz, Herald of N'zoth (Heroic Uldir) po raz 1.     
Olsa zabił Vectis (Heroic Uldir) po raz 6.     
Sarenus spełnił kryterium osiągnięcia Saving for a Rainy Day.     
kajtasus zdobył osiągnięcie Come Sail Away.     
ossir spełnił kryterium osiągnięcia Saving for a Rainy Day.     
mcpablo spełnił kryterium Alliance players slain. osiągnięcia Frontline Slayer.     
Emmm zabił Taloc (Heroic Uldir) po raz 17.     
AsaGorth spełnił kryterium Big-Mouth Clam osiągnięcia The Oceanographer.     

The toy box, don't forget the toy box!

blizz -> wysłany:
Has anyone heard any updates on the toy box? If I remember right, it was supposed to remove toys and such from your bags and put them in your UI to use like spells. It was also to make most of them account bound, which makes me super happy!

But I can't recall hearing any update of this since... Blizzcon? Maybe shortly after?

I have so many cool toys spread across lots of toons. It would be great to have them like mounts and pets.
blizz -> wysłany:
The toy box is still in and it's still account-wide. But, details of which items are going in; which items may be receiving changes (For example, fun items that have stats on them.) are still being worked out.
blizz -> wysłany:
05/19/2014 07:30 PMPosted by Timotay
05/19/2014 07:15 PMPosted by Rygarius
The toy box is still in and it's still account-wide. But, details of which items are going in; which items may be receiving changes (For example, fun items that have stats on them.) are still being worked out.

Any idea if this is going to work for The Haunted Memento?

That's still to be determined. For truly unique items or conditions, we may find a way to get it to work or leave it alone and it'll continue to work as it always has.
blizz -> wysłany:
05/20/2014 07:01 AMPosted by Furyan
Any chance you guys will make items like "orb of deception" and "super simian sphere" just click able items and not trinkets? Hopefully allowing them into the toy box...

Also any chance toy boxes will be account wide? :D

Items with fun effects that needs to be equipped to be used will likely be converted into the Toy Box with no problems. Trinkets with stats and fun effects like Socks from Jade Raccoon may wind up losing their stats in the conversion (not 100% sure at this time).

Toy Box will be account-wide, but there may be exceptions for certain items; similar to how certain account-wide mounts had exceptions. Again, the details are still being worked out. So don't throw out anything that you want to keep just yet!