Update: May 5
Final Boss episode #40 with lead game designer Ion Hazzikostas is now up on YouTube. Be sure to catch the After Show too, as Ion fields a lot of additional common questions from the community. Update: May 4 If you missed the live Final Boss interview and after show, VODs will be available tomorrow, Cinco de Mayo, on their YouTube channel. There's also a summary recap on MMO-Champion now. ---- Update: May 3 Olivia's interview is now available on Wowhead. The next interview will be live broadcast tomorrow, May 4, at 4 p.m. EDT / 1 p.m. PDT on Final Boss: http://finalboss.tv/stream/ ---- Following this week's 3-part "Raiding Azeroth" Dev Watercooler from lead game designer Ion "Watcher" Hazzikostas, we've setup a couple of interviews for him to address your common questions, comments, and concerns. He'll be speaking with Wowhead's Olivia Grace this Friday morning, and you can surely expect to see a transcript of the conversation to follow soon after. Ion will also appear on the next episode of Final Boss during their live broadcast this Sunday, May 4, beginning at 4 p.m. EDT / 1 p.m. PDT. The Final Boss crew is collecting questions on /r/WoW. You're welcome to submit your questions here as well, as I've let Olivia, Bay, and Anafielle know about this thread. We hope you'll read up, tune in, dig it, you in? On Twitter Ion Hazzikotas: @Watcherdev Wowhead: @Wowhead Olivia Grace: @oliviadgrace Final Boss: @FinalBossTV Anafielle: @Anafielle |
Olivia was here at Blizzard HQ speaking to Ion from 10-11 a.m. PDT this morning. She said she'll potentially have video of the interview up within the hour, with a transcript to follow asap (lots of words were said!). I'll update the main post of this thread with links to each interview as they become available. :) |
Olivia's interview with lead game designer Ion "Watcher" Hazzikostas is now available on Wowhead: http://www.wowhead.com/news=237128/wowhead-interviews-lead-game-designer-ion-hazzikostas-on-warlords-of-draneor-pve
The next interview will be live broadcast tomorrow, May 4, at 4 p.m. EDT / 1 p.m. PDT on Final Boss: http://finalboss.tv/stream/ |
lol |
Ion Hazzikostas is live with Final Boss in just under an hour to discuss Warlords raids, dungeons, and more. Tune into the live stream, and join Bashiok and me in the Twitch chat room: http://finalboss.tv/stream/
We'll definitely get to those when we start previewing more details about Ashran and general Warlords PvP systems. |
If you missed the live Final Boss interview and after show, VODs will be available tomorrow, Cinco de Mayo, on their YouTube channel. There's also a summary recap on MMO-Champion now.
Final Boss episode #40 with lead game designer Ion Hazzikostas is now up on YouTube. Be sure to catch the After Show too, as Ion fields a lot of additional common questions from the community.