"Your insides taste like berries!"
- Brightwing, Faerie Dragon
Cute does not equal harmless, and Brightwing the Faerie Dragon is a mischievous little dragon with a big appetite who hails from the Warcraft universe. In Heroes of the Storm, Brightwing takes on the role of a high-mobility Support healer, so you’ll definitely want to stay on her good side when you battle in the Nexus!

The Faerie Dragons of Ashenvale are known for their playful demeanor, seemingly disappearing at a whim. The mischievous Brightwing is no exception, often materializing out of nowhere to save her allies, or simply to mock her foes. But don’t let her endearing appearance and upbeat attitude fool you: this brightly-colored, fluffy-antennaed, fairy-winged dragon has a fondness for fluttering through the meadow… and slaying enemy Heroes for the fun of it!
For an even more in-depth look into this feisty personality and her abilities, make sure to check out Brightwing’s all new Hero Page!

- Instead of using a mount, Brightwing is able to teleport to an ally Hero using "Phase Shift" [Z]. This mobility-focused ability can be especially useful on Dragonshire, where Brightwing’s "Phase Shift" can help teammates secure objectives on the other side of the map.
- Stay near your teammates! Brightwing’s combat trait "Soothing Mist" will automatically heal any allies next to her after a short amount of time.
- "Arcane Flair" [Q] has a short cast time, so try using it as a zoning tool, rather than simply as a source of damage.
- Use "Polymorph" [W] on huge targets such as Tassadar’s Twilight Messiah, Stitches, or Diablo!

"Can’t catch me!"
Brightwing’s starting skin is a colorful addition to the menagerie of playable Heroes available in Heroes of the Storm. Just watch out – if she sends a thoughtful smile your way, she might be imagining how you’d taste slathered in BBQ sauce!
The newest Brightwing alternative skin we're revealing is one that any aspiring royalty or butterfly aficionado is sure to appreciate!
- • Monarch Brightwing - Just like the flawless butterfly from which she takes her name, Monarch Brightwing has many ways to sting. Kneel peasant! For you face the Monarch! And her wrath is cruel...

"I’ve got your head! Oh, did you need it back?"
- Brightwing, Faerie Dragon
- Brightwing comes from a long line of Faerie Dragons who first appeared in Warcraft III’s expansion Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, which premiered in 2003!
- Faerie Dragons have also been called Sprite Darters and Fey Dragons.
- While Faerie Dragons are not true dragons, they have a longstanding history within Azeroth.
- Entrusted with protecting the Emerald Dream, Faerie Dragons have the unique ability to phase out of reality.
- Faerie Dragons have long shared a kinship with the Night Elves, and after the second invasion of the Burning Legion, Malfurion Stormrage summoned Faerie Dragons from the realm of the Emerald Dream in order to help purge the Night Elf forests of demonic magics.
- While Faerie Dragons were once called into service briefly during the night elves' hunt for Illidan, the vast majority of them have since returned to the Emerald Dream. The only large populations left on Azeroth are located in the untainted forests of Feralas and Ashenvale, but some can also be found in Mount Hyjal, the Stonetalon Mountains, Tirisfal Glades, the Blade’s Edge Mountains, and even in Pandaria!
- Despite Brightwing's apparent preference for eating her playmates, in the World of Warcraft quest, "Food for Baby", Agnar Beastamer reveals that Sprite Darters are actually omnivores.
- In the World of Warcraft quest “Inciting the Elements,” players in Mount Hyjal are told to use tasty Juniper Berries in order to gain the trust of local Faerie Dragons so that they can reveal the location of stealthed enemies nearby. It’s like a game of hide and seek – berries for blood!
- Players within World of Warcraft are able to summon a Faerie Dragon companion pet by obtaining a Sprite Darter Egg.
- The Sprite Darter Pet Journal entry from World of Warcraft reads – "These adorable critters love snuggling with their owners after a long day of brutal, bloody battle.”
- Additionally, you can take to the skies of Azeroth atop a chroma-shifting Enchanted Fey Dragon in-game mount within World of Warcraft!
- While few Faerie Dragons choose to speak, Brightwing has quite a lot to say!
- Brightwing believes that nature is magic, and friendship is delicious!
- Her favorite games are Heartstone, Hide and Eat, and Starving Starving, Faerie Dragon!
- “The Emerald Dream is not a dream and has no emeralds. Deep thought. Head hurts now." – Brightwing
- A silly hunter tried to tame Brightwing once. Once.

Over the years, many talented artists have illustrated Faerie Dragons, Sprite Darters, and other Fey Dragons from the Warcraft universe. Below are two fantastic pieces of fan art and a cosplay featuring these colorful creatures, which were submitted by talented artisans from around the globe.
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"Sprite Darter" by IgorSan |
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"Sprite Darter" by Noxychu | Cosplay by Cosplay Py - Photography by Brent Allen Thale |
Faerie Dragons have a longstanding history within the Warcraft universe, and their participation in various notable events is certain to have had a hand in shaping both Azeroth’s past and present. If you’re interested in encountering more of Brightwing’s kin, make sure to check out the following Blizzard games:
- Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne(Game – 2003)
- World of Warcraft (Game - 2004)
- World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game (Tabletop Game – 2005)
You can check out some official art featuring Faerie Dragons below:

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"I love to play with my food, so we might as well be friends!"

We hope you enjoy Brightwing week! What’s been your favorite part so far, and what else would you like to see? Let us know in the comments below!
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