What I call the "honor rares" are the 3 rares that spawn in domination point in krasarang wilds that give 275 honor each. I recently stopped playing for a while, and I tried to do some farming here but noticed that I wasn't getting any honor after the first kill on these. Did they limit the number of times you can do these rares daily? Any feedback is appreciated, thanks.
There was a change in Patch 5.4.7 where only the first kill in a given day would award honor. Tracking for that resets at around the same time as daily quests.
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/12950619/547-patch-notes-2-17-2014 |
It's the first kill by each character, per day. We're also going to be implementing a hotfix that'll increase Honor gains from Battlegrounds this coming Tuesday. For the details of those adjustments, please check out this thread made by my colleague Lore: Battleground Honor Adjustments |