Arthas who murdered his homeland.
B is for Boomkin, blowing up your team.
C is for Cairne, who died on an Orc's axe.
D is for Daelin, who tried to kill all the Orcs.
E is for Eelidan, because Tyrande forgot ENGLISH.
F is for Fail, the word most commonly associated with the playerbase.
G is for Garrosh, who tried to take over the world.
H is for Horde, I hear Blizzard likes them more.
I is for Illidan, because that is how you actually say it.
J is for Justice, the Alliance never gets it.
K is for Knaak, opinions may vary.
L is for Lordaeron, covered in plot armor.
M is for Mages, no they cannot summon.
N is for Nalithen, he made this.
O is Ostentatious, a word that describes the forums.
P is for Paladin, bravely bubble-hearthing away.
Q is for Quiraj, they are a race of bug people.
R is for Rhonin, no one liked him so he exploded.
S is for Saurfang, everyone likes him and he cleaves stuff.
T is for Tyrande, you'd swear she was a troll.
U is for Undercity, is smells there.
V is for Velen, [This space intentionally left blank]
W is for Windfury, IT PROCS ON ITSELF!
X is for Xylophone, deal with it.
Y is for Y'Shaarj, he wants to be your friend.
Z is for Zarhym, our local floating skull.
There you go.
A is for Arthas who murdered his homeland. A is for awesome, because everything and especially this forum post is awesome. |
It shouldn't be a surprise, I can fly. Wait, escape from what? |