This is a question that is asked again and again but I couldn't see any recent discussions on it. So, i thought I would ask again.
I am currently on Khadgar for all my Alliance toons, which is fine as there is a relatively high Alliance population there so the social aspect is fine.
I was wanting to go back and play Horde and I was wondering what the best EU Horde realms were? I haven't played Horde seriously since my Orc warrior back on Frostwhisper, back when it was a really busy Horde server.
Your advice is appreciated.
I'd advise against Draenor for now, we actually have FCMs set up to move people away from there as it's experiencing lengthy queues at busy times http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/9256975674#1
For Horde, you might want to check out Chamber of Aspects, Magtheridon, or Kilrogg. All have great populations and they're well balanced, faction-wise :) |