I've always thought there was a bit much CC in the game this xpac, but I never really would have considered it unbalanced. Honestly, what would the response from the community be to something like pvp trinket having 2 charges/reducing its cooldown, or something along those lines before removing CC? Not trying to make suggestions, really just curious.
I think most CC needs to be removed from the talent trees. CC should be what makes a spec unique. Like wyvern sting, howl of a terror, shock wave, etc. If they are going to put CC on the trees, then it should weighted against other cc abilities, not damage or utility buffs. Our current plans are to do a little of both. We do like CC in talent trees, particularly when they're put up against other CC's in the tier (as you mentioned). You still can only have one of the three, but you get to choose exactly which, and can tailor that choice to your comp, playstyle, raid encounter, etc. Choosing between a CC and a DPS cooldown doesn't always feel as meaningful, so part of our plans for talents in WoD include making those choices make more sense where we can. Still, we think there's more needed than just shaking talent trees around a bit, so we're going through baseline CC's as well. Some will be left alone. Some will be nerfed. Some will be outright removed. Note that some CC breaks are likely to be nerfed as well in the process, as when there's less CC overall, the ability to remove whatever's left over becomes exponentially more powerful. Please remember that the expansion is still very much in development, so anything could change at any time. But that's our current thinking. |
One other thing I just mentioned on Twitter that I'd like to bring up here as well -- we're also planning on having fewer DR categories (and thus, more shared DR's) in WoD. Again, still in development, anything can change, but that's what we're looking at.
We're considering lots of things :) Feedback is appreciated, I can bring it up. We may end up disagreeing, but we'll seriously consider any suggestions. |
How far are you toning down damage? Numbers are hard for us to discuss right now, really. Between the item squish, base health/resil changes, spell/ability scaling changes, and probably some other stuff that doesn't come to mind right now, it's kind of an apples to oranges comparison. Once we're further along in development, we'll take a look at where all of that puts us, and adjust accordingly. |