Getting real sick of these books to be honest. I'd like to see all these story arcs in game, seeing as how Warcraft has always been a video game series first and foremost. We try to fit in what we can. There are a variety of factors that go into deciding these things. Time, resources, and (of course) whether there's some compelling gameplay to go with it are all factors. We can also tell a much deeper story in the novel. That doesn't mean there can't be elements that you can experience or encounter to some extent within the game (story wise). These aren't always easy decisions for the designers, but they do what they can. Our Creative Development team also puts a lot of work into the novels to make sure we do a good job of filling in what doesn't make it into the game and the book is in good hands with Christie Golden. |
I have to imagine this answer was unintentionally vague. I was actually intentionally a bit vague since I'm not aware of what specific elements surrounding this will make it into the game and in what ways (at current). It's all in development and consists of many layers. At the same time, we've already announced the book and that it will cover the trial among other revelations. WoW Insider has a nice look at it - A point worth noting in the interview is the following: Is this going to tie into Warlords of Draenor, like Tides of War and The Shattering? Dave Kosak has said as well that we want to tie in what we can tie in, but I couldn't say how much we'll be able to do or how currently. I also disdain being the bearer of spoilers when I can avoid it (which is sometimes more difficult that you might think.) I understand the concerns and this has been a good thread to read. I just wouldn't get too caught up in what is or what won't be. The expansion is in development and there's a lot of ground we'll be covering including a lot of great new story arcs and experiences. |
We have had similar feedback before, and I'll be passing this feedback along as well. Don't worry. I don't want to sound like I'm promising anything other than relaying the concerns, but I definitely will. It's why I've continued reading despite some of the heated and/or choice phrasing some are using. ;) |