Ok Blizzard. Please create direct flight paths. Seriously stop wasting our time with connecting flights and slow flight path speeds. This isn't real life, you aren't losing money every time a flight path takes off half empty... PLEASE PLEASE just make direct flights and speed this [fluffy bunny] up. Your just wasting our time on these 5 min flights. That is why people stop playing, poor customer design and input.
That is all.
Have a great holiday.
*Please refrain from using profanity on the forums. -Nethaera
Ok Blizzard. Please create direct flight paths. Seriously stop wasting our time with connecting flights and slow flight path speeds. This isn't real life, you aren't losing money every time a flight path takes off half empty... PLEASE PLEASE just make direct flights and speed this [fluffy bunny] up. Your just wasting our time on these 5 min flights. That is why people stop playing, poor customer design and input. We've said it in the past, but I'll repeat it here. If there are bad flight paths that just don't make sense, let us know. We can always take a look at them. We also plan to make sure the flight paths and transportation in Warlords of Draenor is as convenient as possible as well. We don't plan to remove the feeling of traveling feeling like traveling still though. |