I just wanted to thank you for what i have to say is the very best gaming experience that i have ever witnessed . Personally between WarCraft, WoW and Diablo i have spent years enjoying your games . Back in the day you saved me from Simcity and Oregon Trail being the only games you could find on computers back then in schools with Warcraft ( I miss building my own maps ) .
Then you Introduced World of Warcraft that has really changed the way i look at Gaming and the relationship a community actually has with a company that listens and constantly tries to balance ,improve and evolve the game around new ideas not just from project devs but the people who play the game . Even tho somethings have change Good or bad you have always explained why it works or if didn't work actually take time fixing or removing it from the game. I can say i never had this experience with any other games to the extent that Blizzard has put into all the games they release and i doubt well ever see this again .
Now i have stopped playing Wow for over a year now but still pay my monthly fee because i know i'm coming back and your fee is really nothing for what you have given in return for time played ,Customer service and Content that i have enjoyed for years now . But with all the new changes coming ill be back for sure . Can't wait for the character updates !
Also i'm very excited to see all the new adventures the company is taking on with cross platforming Diablo3 from PC to console, Heros of the storm , hearthstone, The New SiFi MMO and of course The new Wow Expac .
So keep it up blizzard! Thank you ! and See you in Outland ..