We're aware the below realms are currently unavailable and we're working to resolve the issue. We'll provide an update here in 30 minutes, or as more information becomes available.
Arathor Azjol-Nerub Bloodscalp Bonechewer Boulderfist Bronzebeard Crushridge Daggerspine Darkspear Draenor Dragonblight Dragonmaw Dunemaul Eldre'Thalas Feathermoon Firetree Frostmane Gurubashi Nathrezim Perenolde Scarlet Crusade Shadow Council Shadowsong Silvermoon Skywall Smolderthorn Spirestone Stonemaul Stormscale Suramar Terenas Uldum Windrunner - - Update - 11:38 PM PDT We're continuing to investigate the issue that caused the above realms to go down. We're also aware additional realms may be experiencing delays and errors when accessing in-game content such as instances. We'll provide another update here as soon as additional information becomes available. Update - 12:31 AM PDT, 10/29 Work continues on the below realms, but no estimate is currently available on when this issue will be resolved. We'll provide another update at 1:30 a.m. PDT, or as soon as additional information is available. Update - 1:37 AM PDT, 10/29 We're continuing to investigate the cause, but there is no estimate for when the below realms will be available. We're also aware there could be slowdown, errors, or unavailable characters on realms not listed below. We appreciate your continued patience as we work to address these issues. |
I can't log on my toon that which the disconnection occurred on, but I can log on any other toons of the same realm/server. I hope that issue is fixed, especially considering she is my main :( Possible that's a cache corruption issue due to addons not liking a disconnection. The instructions here will remove all your addons, so that's a last resort, first try disabling all addons before logging in. If that work try only deleting/renaming your Cache folder, and then go into your WTF folder and rename the folder for the affected character. If that works you can try replacing the backed-up character WTF folder. |
I won't dare propose my unknowing guesses as fact, but it's possible that characters in cross-realm situations (zones/instances/groups/etc.) could be affected due to the specifics of the issue at-hand. Investigation continues, and we're in the process of escalating it to a larger group of people. |
We're nearing the previously scheduled maintenance time of 3am PDT for the implementation of patch 5.4.1. While we're making good progress, the current plan requires that all realms come down for the 3am scheduled maintenance. We'll let you know if the current issues impact maintenance times.