The final wing of Siege of Orgrimmar will shortly be available on Raid Finder mode, and will remain available through the weekend. Note that Garrosh is not accessible. Thus, groups that defeat the Paragons of the Klaxxi encounter are functionally done with the wing, and will have to leave the group manually at that point.
Please use this thread to provide feedback on any of the bosses being tested in this wing, including group makeup (premade, random, mixed) and Determination stack count. |
We don't have plans for additional Flexible testing. As for Garrosh in particular, we want him to be defeated for the first time on the live servers, where it counts. In the past, several final bosses such as Yogg-Saron or the Lich King were never publicly tested on any difficulty at all, for just this reason. As for Flexible tuning, we're satisfied with the current state of tuning for the first three wings, and we can heavily extrapolate from Normal tuning and how that plays out when it comes to nailing down the Flex tuning for the final wing. Flexible mode has much, much more in common with Normal than with Raid Finder -- all mechanics are present, the zone entails a gear and difficulty progression, and so forth. In the case of Raid Finder, on the other hand, specific mechanics may need to be profoundly reworked or removed entirely to accommodate the dynamics of randomly matchmade groups, so making sure that we see as many fights as possible in LFR on PTR is a priority. |