Recently I've seen more and more threads talking about "community", and how both gamers and forum posters alike ought to work toward being more respectful of other members and their considerations.
I find this wall of No a good place to start. That... has to be one of the most obnoxious methods of trolling I've ever seen. It appears to be a collection of garbage designed with the soul purpose of discouraging causal forum browsers from reading the thread. Complete, absolute, nonsense and totally unrealistic. You can run BC from a home server on a Pentium 2.
Look, people have a right to post questions and have discussions about "dead topics" without being bombarded by the fury of the forum regulars. regardless of whether you may agree, disagree, feel the topic is dead or whatever else, people shouldn't be entering threads with a pre-written response that clearly has the sole intention of shutting the thread down.
If you see similar activity in another instance, perhaps even regarding a different topic entirely, I encourage you to report the activity for trolling, because that's the right thing to do.
Although some of the information in 'the wall' may have a place for specific issues, it can be seen as a disruptive response when just thrown into a conversation that may be attempting to encourage thoughtful discussion. I've seen it used often when a poster is inquiring about issues that have already been spoken to on numerous occassions; thus, the boilerplate response.
As ever, please be courteous to your fellow community members and be kind with your responses. I think the issue here has been covered. Thank you. ~Thread locked~ |