The damage when a sha globule reaches Immerseus and reforms is indeed currently higher than intended for LFR, but that won't be fixed until after the weekend. We're seeing multiple groups getting kills at around 4-5 stacks of Determination, though.
Item level 496 is going to be the minimum required to queue for the raid, and it's important that it be completable at that gear level. We realize that most LFR groups will in practice have better gear than that, but not all will. |
Apologies for the Norushen "clickable fog" issue -- I honestly thought that bug wasn't present in this PTR build. Obviously that's going to complicate things, and I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Unfortunately that's not something we can hotfix, so proper testing of Norushen and Sha of Pride may have to wait for a new build.
Regarding LFR tuning overall, we actually would like to preserve as many meaningful mechanics as possible, but obviously without causing a fundamentally frustrating gameplay experience for the participants. For PTR purposes, we tend to start out with mostly numerical adjustments to the abilities, see what actually proves to be overly problematic, and then make more drastic adjustments from there. Several of the mechanics discussed thus far will absolutely not go live in their current state on LFR. |
This biggest thing is we don't want Animus where you just faceroll, or early durumu or garalon that is just too hard for very casual players. I just sit an issue right now with norushen and the fact that people generally do not listen at all, ever. So the best thing you can do is similar to sha of fear and pull people into the realm automatically without clicking. Otherwise, we will have 4 dps all go in and 300 adds spawn and just wipe the raid. Also, some effect for the beam would help immensely because people seriously did not learn from durumu and instantly died every single pull. Maybe make it thicker, or have a ground effect. Agreed. In general, we're quite fine with personal execution checks still having some teeth in LFR, and we're fine with elements of a fight that require a coordinated raidwide action (e.g. get off the Elegon platform, spread out to different quadrants on Lei Shen, huddle under the barrier during Sun Tenderheart's Desperate Measures, etc.). The problematic mechanics tend to be ones where a few players can cause terrible consequences for the entire raid via mistaken (or malicious) action or inaction. |