This is a completely frivolous post but just saw Zarhym reply to a post made last year, yet when I post some new idea that I yet to find anyone has come up with, it is completely ignored by all blues and the entire community.
Just find it funny.
Just to add, love when I bring this up, everyone replys to a post that can be considered a qq blog.
This is a completely frivolous post but just saw Zarhym reply to a post made last year, yet when I post some new idea that I yet to find anyone has come up with, it is completely ignored by all blues and the entire community. Please read the "Welcome: Please Read!" sticky at the top of this forum. If you're looking for any material in particular: all of it. Don't make new threads on the forums to tell us what threads we should be reading, and which ones we should be ignoring. Don't expect that I'm single handedly reading every post on this forum, let alone replying to them all. Lastly, don't add more "frivolous" threads into the mix just to let everyone know your posts deserve the most attention from CMs and the community, otherwise you end up with the types of responses you did here. |