So yea guys i just bought this game and I am confused I pay dis monthely fee and I was told by everyone who plays the game now that i just pay blizzard money and they give me free loot throgh all these new features called LFR and scarniors so where is the menu button that i push to get my loots. I dont want to have to actually play the game because i dont like effort and since i give the company my money i should just get loot so can someone tell me where the button is?
I am entilitled to this free loot since i pay for this game and every game u pay for you automcatically win the game because u paid for it and that wouldnt make since if u didnt. SO where do i get my free loot? I dont want to actually raid to get loot thats just a waste of time.
Also where do i put suggestions into the game i think wow should just be a big group of buttons when u log on and u dont have to talk to people u just push abutton and u get loot and can then log out and not actually hav eto play the game. Can you guys tel me where i can tell htem about that feature too so they can put it in next patch cause i complained about it?
I like this game so far eveyrithng i complained about to the people at the game company they fix for me its so nice, Can they just give me a whole bunch of level 90's? i dont like leveling its a waste i actaully have to play the game .
THanks blizzard your da best i dont actually understand how to play this game and imonly 8 years old but i have 502 item level now aTHNAKZ! ur da best