So recently a few people have been whinging about getting hacked. To my way of thinking if you get hacked you get what you deserve.
There are a few simple and easy rules to follow that will stop you getting hacked.
a/ Don't use public computers to log on.
b/ Stay off third party wow sites and for god sake DON'T buy gold. This includes signing up for sites Wow related with the same user/pass that you use for your wow account. Sometimes third party sites get hacked and the user details are stolen and used.
c/ Have up to date virus software.
d/ Get an authenticator. This is important but annoying that the postage costs 3 times more than the unit does for anywhere outside the US. However, if you follow the above rules you should be fairly safe.
So to all those who complain about getting hacked, use your brain and don't do stupid stuff. Sick of hearing "I got hacked but it wasn't my fault".
Edit : I know this sounds like blaming the victim for the crime but they really do put themselves out there. It's a pro active action that causes you to get hacked so it's a little different than wrong place at the wrong time.
Ok, locking the thread as there was no need to resurrect it to rub salt into the wound.
Visit the page below to learn more about account security and for assistance with recovering from an account compromise. Account Security: Help, I got hacked! |