Back in BC I was playing a Forsaken Mage as my main, and near the end of that expansion they decided to give a massive buff to Arcane.
I joined an Arathi Basin in progress, and ran to the farm where there was a Dwarf BM Hunter and 4 more coming from LM hugging the hillside, including a S4 Resto Druid. I polly'd the hunter then switched to the Druid and burned down the incoming pack. Then started on the Hunter, he poped BM and I hit Ice Block. Ice Block faded and we killed eachother. I was in S2 welfare gear.
I have plenty of really fun encounters that I've enjoyed, but one of the most memorable was when I was in Nagrand near Oshu'gun doing some quests. I was on my discipline priest and had three mobs on me at once. Next thing I knew, two more mobs sprung into my view. It took me a few to realize, they weren't mobs, but people. I managed to finish off the three mobs and then finished off my two new attackers without breaking much of a sweat. It was nice to know that my reactions were still relatively sharp and that I could approach it all calmly enough to make good choices in how to handle myself against so many.
Another was just a simple one vs. one when Wrath first started. A new Death Knight was feeling frisky and came after me while I was doing a quest. I'm hoping I didn't scar them for life when they found themselves resurrecting a short bit later. ;) I've taken my lumps many many times, but the key I've always found is to brush yourself off and keep plugging away. Never let the "enemy" see you sweat. |
That made me laugh. Nice story. ;) |