YOur LFR loot system SUCKS...
I have run LFR and SHA for a month now on 2 toons (4 times) And i have not gotten a SINGLE peice of gear even tho i have a 15% chance yea right blizz i swear if i dont get anything in this next run i will not renew my sub, it is beyond rediculous that you gate all the items to help get a higher item level behind a stupid rep grind but you also make its painful to gear through LFR and get into real raids with some kind of head start
So as i said one last chance or i am done and will not renew my sub
It's an older blog article Dev Watercooler - Mists of Pandaria Looting Explained but it's still relevant and goes over the philosophy behind the changes to Raid Finder loot. (Also good reading for those wearing
![]() To the OP, please review the Code of Conduct and stop attacking posters for not agreeing with you. |
Specific examples like that are useful feedback and /sadpanda to hear about your streak. But, then the character would have accumulated enough Valor points to purchase some epic items of a comparable item level. It's a slower but parallel progression path. Still, our developers are looking at ways to improve the Raid Finder loot system. One of the changes currently in-testing on the PTR is to allow the satchels in Raid Finder to have a chance to contain additional rewards; such as Raid Finder versions of Normal and Heroic difficulty zone drops that were previously otherwise unavailable. |