I know it's been talked about before, but I've noticed blizzard really only responds to joke/fun threads with a comic one-liner or to answer very basic questions by new players (saw one a second ago that asked if they could realm/faction change at same time, worthy of a blue post?).
I know many posts are volatile and overly-critical on the forums, but even many of the constructively critical posts, even those that get on the popular threads list never receive any blue response. I'm just tired of useless blizz posts that at most just give the illusion of being involved in community discussion.
We answer what we can. Not replying to a thread does not mean it wasn't noticed. We read and track numerous discussion topics daily and relay that feedback to the developers in weekly meetings.
Forward looking questions like "When is the patch coming out?" or "When will <insert request here> happen?"; an answer may not be available until all the details have been confirmed internally. Other times, the questions themselves are loaded or leading. |
I'm a hippogryph, what's this? You look like you need a hug, you get a hug. |
Ah, but I do not have a date to give out regarding that, yet. I can say that advance notice will be given, so there will be time to let everyone prepare for things like Currency Conversions and such. |
Nope. I have other tasks (All of us have other tasks; there is no sit around all day and read the forums guy/gal.) like compiling Patch 5.2 PTR Patch Notes that take up a good chunk of the day. The process is much more involved than it appears. |
If any of the fine forum denizens feel you're capable or itching to show how you can do something better, we're LFM. See also: job posting for Community Representative, World of Warcraft.
If you want to talk about how we can do better, let us know at [email protected]. |
i Dont Expect Cms to post on controversial subjects such as the balance and cc in its current state. Zero changes, have you checked out the PTR Patch Notes lately? Not having the changes made to your exact personal specifications doesn't mean you are being ignored or changes didn't happen. That's the point of the forums, to discuss about the game. |