Please use this thread to discuss the world boss Oondasta, who looms over the Isle of Giants off the northern coast of Kun-Lai Summit. He's fairly challenging and, to my knowledge, has not been defeated at all yet.
Guilds that are logging on to test our other raid encounters in Throne of Thunder are encouraged to check him out, perhaps in between testing sessions. I'll even make a post here naming and congratulating the players who manage to secure the ever-prestigious World First Public Test Realm Kill(TM). |
So, anyone actually ventured out to the Isle of Giants with an organized raid group and taken a crack at him?
The ample feedback about the conceptual design is noted. As some posters noted, one of the major flaws with Galleon (the "rare" boss) was that he was far too easy, such that the main challenge with him is being there when he spawns and getting the initial tap on him. Oondasta is challenging, and he's pretty far out of the way (as opposed to Galleon, who is mere seconds away from Halfhill), so we think he'll be active for longer periods of time before a group takes him down. And we'll be keeping a close eye on how things like faction tapping, potential griefing, and related issues play out, and making adjustments as are warranted. But I'd love to hear some discussion about the actual boss fight from people who have done it. You can even be immortalized in Blue-trackers everywhere if you manage to kill him. |