Like why do I have to sit around in normals for 3 months wiping 8 hours a week to get anywhere? It was cool to release 3 raids, but whats the point if you're gonna make them so hard no one will even get to the second one before next tier? I thought normals were supposed to be easy and hms were supposed to be the hard raids? Wiping isn't fun... bring back DS difficulty. That was perfect for normals, people could actually do them in a respectable amount of time.
I can commiserate with your feelings, but the best thing you can do is share with us specifically what encounters or issues you're having. It may be something we may need to look at and address on our end, or it may be something that other players can give you additional insight on to make the encounters seem less difficult for you. As I see it, these are the things that could be affecting how you and your Raid team are performing: |
Developer Ion "Watcher" Hazzikostas addressed how we balance encounters in his watercooler in case you missed it. He does a great job explaining the process so that the way in which balance is approached doesn't seem quite so arbitrary. |